Thursday, October 04, 2012

First of all.  Mother is doing quite well.   She had hoped to leave the hospital today, but Dr. Hancock kept her for a few more tests and to be sure of her stability.   Tomorrow she will be transferred to Meadow View Nursing home for some rehab.   She is anxious to get started because she wants to go home.

I did several errands on the way home.  When I got home, Dick was all bathed and had done everything but eat breakfast.   So we had a nice late morning and afternoon.   We are eating up leftovers, so cooking is easy.    I am getting ready for the weekend, however.   I made a nice main dish pie crust that needs to be refrigerated for a Guinness Mushroom pie for Saturday's evening dinner.   My house guests are vegetarian.   Dick does not mind vegetarian but does not care much for mushrooms so I have a pasty for him.   I also am soaking the dried fruit for the barm brak that I will be taking to the concert for the tea part of tea and cakes.

I am thinking of a stew for Sunday.  I think I have everything I need for that.

I had a little adventure today.

While I was waiting for the Plymouth Arts Center to open, I stopped in at the Exchange Bank,one of my favorite places, for a cup of coffee.   All of a sudden, people were pointing at the building across Stafford Street.   There on the ledge or the second story was a cat.   Apparently the cat had managed to push its way out of the window onto the ledge and couldn't get back in.  A big white cat was inside and kept encouraging him.

Somebody apparently knew how to get into the units next to the apartment that the cat came from.   First they tried to coax the cat to a window about four down from the one he was trying to get back into.   He kind of told them that he thought they were crazy to think that he would fall for THAT one.   Then somebody managed to get to the window right beside the one he was at.  That was apparently not so much of a stretch and he zipped right in there.  We all cheered mightily.   I was sure relieved.   Kitties are so able to get themselves into so much trouble.   Curiosity, you know.

So that was my excitement for the day.

Hope you had a good one.

Dia Dhuit


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