Saturday, September 29, 2012

I had hoped to stay in bed for a long sleep this morning, especially since I didn't get to bed until almost 11PM last night.  BUT between the cat, who has decided that the water left on the bottom of the shower is the best water in the world, and Dick, I did have to bet up sooner than I wanted.

I have a feeling that tonight will be rather disjointed too because Dick had to go to bed early because his right foot was hurting so bad and sometimes taking off the prostheses and lying down relieves the pain.

It was a quiet day.  I was able to get some cleaning done downstairs and even practice the flute for a bit.    Did a load of wash, fixed a nice chicken casserole for our dinner and generally cleaned up around here.

Heather,from Embrace, came at 3:30PM and I left for Mass.   I stopped for a couple of prescriptions on the way home.   We had a light mac and cheese dinner and then I put Dick to bed.

I will not be far behind him.   Perhaps a head start will help.

So "A Blessing on your head" and good night.

Dia Dhuit


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