Friday, August 24, 2012

It was a pleasant day at home.   I got up at about 6:30AM as Jody came at 8AM.   We had a nice breakfast.   I had leftover potatoes. 

It was a very warm and humid day and the air conditioner stopped working properly.   I realized it this afternoon when the temperature had risen to 79Degrees and I had it set at 74. 

The most exciting thing was the arrival and quick work of the crew that are tearing down the trees along the railroad track.   I was amazed, awestruck and horrified at the power and ease with which all of those beautiful trees were just engulfed by the monster machine that gripped them, sawed through their trunk and then picked them up, literally, and flung them in piles in back of the machine.   One of my neighbors was almost sick.   It is hard to see all the trees just destroyed but as we all know the railroad "has to go through".    I still do not understand the economical benefit of it.   The idea of a working track in back of us does not bother me however.

I have just about firmed up a concert by CAIM, two ladies from Ireland, who sing delightful music and have performed at Mead several years ago.    The Plymouth Art Center will host us and will sell tickets at their ticket counter.    We have to take care of everything else.   The concert will be on October 6th in the afternoon.   I have to decide if it will start at 1PM or 2PM.   We want to be done by 4PM to help the art center with their staffing.  I have three volunteers from the Sheboygan County CWI who said they will help.  I need to get some advertising out early next week and each week after that.

Tonight I drove to Jim Wilsing's house for a flute lesson.    He said I am doing well and must keep practicing.   I now will be playing a song.  The Song of Little Bear.   I learned one part tonight and will learn the second part next week.   I still need to do the notes and the rythem exercises, which are much like songs.
So Tomorrow will be the beginning of a nice quiet weekend.   Between now and Monday, the only place I have to go is to church tomorrow afternoon.

The airconditioner is not working properly again.   Neil came and got it working but will be back Monday or Tuesday to finish the job.

So that was our day.   How was yours?

Dia Dhuit


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