Monday, July 30, 2012

I really love Mondays.

The night was not great, but I was able to go back to bed for an hour after feeding Roxie, which helped a bit.   We were all up and ready when Bobbie got here at 9AM to stay with Dick.

I dropped off some coats and stuff at St Vinnies on my way to Blessed Trinity for Bible Study.   There were 7 of us there today.  

We have been discussing Psalm 69 which is a really a crabby Psalm with the writer feeling very sorry for himself and asking God to send lots of awful curses on his enemies.  Lots of the questions were about how we feel about that.   It isn't easy to wish well to the people who have offended us and yet it is difficult to understand people and peoples who carry offenses  to the grave or from one generation to the next. 

We see the latter in the relations between Israel and Palestine and in Ireland and in many nations around this world.    Hate seems to come through the generations.    I shared a song that Mary Black sings about hate and forgiveness.   Here are the lyrics.   I copied them off of the internet.   There is no person listed as the author so I am assuming that it IS Mary Black.   If you would like to hear it, get in touch with me.


I was angry with my friend
I told him so and my wrath did end
I was angry with my foe
told him not and my wrath did grow

and I watered it in fears
night and morning with my tears
and I sunned it with smiles
and with soft deceitful wiles

and it grew both day and night
till it bore an apple bright
and my foe beheld it shine
and he knew that it was mine

was a poison tree
beware of a Poison Tree
Poison Tree
growing inside of me

and into my garden stole
when the night had veiled the pole
in the morning glad I see
my foe outstretched
beneath that tree

was a Poison Tree
beware of a Poison Tree
Poison Tree
growing inside of me

Poison Tree
beware of a Poison Tree
Poison Tree

what happened to you
and me

After the study, I went to Mother's house.  We got her bills all paid and her pills set up for the week and had a nice chance to visit again.  She was a bit tired but is so enjoying the time with Leif and Nora.   We shared our visits.   Families need to treasure time together.   Nora and I were remembering times with Auntie Marge and Uncle Elmer.   Auntie Marge never had children and was such a fussy person that Nora and I were a bit stunned by the fact that we were supposed to be clean all the time and just observe and not get into things.   However, I remember Aunt Helen telling me that when Auntie Marge would come home and hold the babies, both Dad's and Uncle Jack's and Uncle Jim's, she would look at them and cuddle them and Helen saw a tear in the corner of her eye.    I wonder, but we will not know until we reach the gates of heaven, if she and Uncle Elmer were unable to conceive. 

I was home by 11:45 and we had soup and grilled cheese sandwiches with pesto for lunch.   (Dick did not have pesto.)   Then a nap and I actually took time to read this afternoon.   I have a book I HAVE to finish so that I can get it to a friend of mine for a book discussion in November.  It is a rather long book so I want to give her some time.

We had leftovers for supper and now are starting to wind down for the evening.   Roxie is quite content on my desk but will amble in to the bedroom when I go to bed.  She does not stay the whole night but likes to be there when we settle in.

So rest easy tonight

Dia Dhuit


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