Monday, July 16, 2012

Another day close to or over 100 degrees.   What is happening in our world? 

It was an unbelievably busy day.    Bobbie came at 9AM to stay with her Dad while I went to Bible Study and spent an hour with Mom.

Bible study was really interesting.   We had a discussion on "Limbo" an old and sometimes current belief and/or teaching as to what happens to babies if they die before being baptized.   As far as I am concerned, the "CHURCH" was much more concerned about it than was Our Lord.   He just said that the Children should come to him.    I remember,as a child, having this vision of Limbo, a place for unbaptized babies, where they happily floated around in this sweet place, all round and cuddly with fun music and clouds and cotton candy floating around them.

We also started Psalm 69 which is one of the most difficult Psalms that we have encountered.   Hard to justify feeling that sorry for oneself and want our enemies to be erased when Jesus says to forgive.  The commentary in our study will help and has. 

I went from there to Mom's.  We got her bills paid, her pills dispersed and had a nice visit.   I was home by 11:45AM and while I was fixing dinner, (soup and foccocia bread with cheese) Mark from Chuck Van Horn came and switched the license plates, took the VW and left the new Chrysler T& C Van.

(By now, my head is spinning)   Then as we were finishing lunch, the first of the Cream City Writers arrived.   Lynn, Jena , and Hope.   Bobbie left somewhere in this confusion after we finished our dinner. 

We had a lovely group for the writers club.   Beverly, Kate, the three I mentioned above, Peggy, Don and me.   Lynn, Beverly, Don, Kate and me had things to read.   I have hope for this group but it needs more serious writers.   Not serious for making a living, but serious as far as honing their own skills and growth.   And for being willing to support each other.

At 3PM, Nik from A & J Mobility came to fine tune the conversions on the van.   He did the manual things that were necessary so that I can load the chair.  Then I went out and practiced getting the chair in and out of the van.   After we felt good with this, we brought Dick out and practiced getting him in and out of the front seat on the new elevator seat.   In is pretty easy.  Out will need some practice.   Tomorrow will be our first time on our own.   We have to go to Aurora here in Plymouth for Dick's cumadin check.  This will be my first time with the van except for the trial run so I am excited.  It will be cool to have a camera showing me what is behind me as I back up.

I will be busy all day tomorrow again.   Dick has his appointment at the Clinic.   (All Morning).   And I have tons of stuff to just catch up on after all that went on today.   That will take the afternoon.

I am so tired.  But I bet you are all SO sick of hearing that.

Dia Dhuit


*Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved.
*How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?

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