Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A reasonably busy day today.   We both got up shortly after 6AM.   Dick had gone to bed at 6PM last night and except for one time to get put together for the bathroom he slept through.    He is aiming for almost the same thing tonight.   It is a bit later, almost 7PM so perhaps he will sleep through.

It got all the way up to the low 80s today and the sun shone in a blue sky too.   Boy.   I have crocuses blooming in the front.berm.

I went to the grocery story early and was home shortly after 8AM.   I had a rather fun time as I bought things to complete the corned beef dinner.    My corned beef is ready to take out of its brine and prepare to cook.  It is so exciting when a plan comes together.    I think I will prepare it for Sunday as I will be gone parading and partying for a portion of St. Patrick's day and won't be able to do it justice.

I am also baking a shamrock shaped cake for Sunday.

Marty, the prosthesist, kindly stopped at the condo on his way from Fond du Lac to the Sheboygan office to help stabilize that right prosthesis.    He also checked the left one and we agree that it was the laying in bed with them on during the procedure on Friday that must have loosened both of them and caused the unsteadiness he had on Friday evening.

Then Sara, the PT, came at 1:30PM and worked on stretching his knees and hips.   She is going to put him on a break from her therapy until we resolve the prosthesis problems and hopefully the weakness and lethergy.    We feel we would rather use those hours when they will do some good.   The home health aids and he and I can keep his muscles stretched and he stands up and sits down at 10 to 12 times a day just transferring.   I get my excercise too but it is not good for my back, I can tell you.

He has visits with the pulminologist and the urologist next week also.   So maybe we will get answers.   I refuse to lose hope.   Please keep praying for us.

Also say some prayers for Kate's husband, Ron,  he had surgery again last night on his heart, a bypass.   He is home already, of course.    Kate and I shared worries today.    We can also share prayers.

So. tomorrow I get to be home all day and the only person who will set foot in the house is the RN to take Dick's INR.   With any luck at all, the count will be 2.0 or better and I will not have to give him any more shots in the tummy.   I don't like that at all.   At least he says that I don't hurt him.   That would really make me upset.

So till tomorrow

Dia Dhuit


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