Saturday, March 31, 2012

I spent the morning cooking. I made Pizza Soup. It made me think of my Uncle Roman and Aunt Maryann. When we went south to Texas, we stayed with them in Austin. Aunt Maryann made this soup, which is really called Zucchini Soup, while we were there and it is SO good. We call it Pizza Soup because when Sara and Nora were little, that is what they called it.

It is a huge recipe, but the good thing about it is that it freezes beautifully. So we will have soup for weeks.

I also made a blueberry pie. We were out of desserts and I need to use up blueberries from the freezer. I will be able to share it too. Bobbie will be here on Monday and I can take some to Mom.

There was a lot of wash to do and more tomorrow but I have it pretty much under control. I cut Dick's hair and beard this afternoon. I used to cut his hair until he went to Plymouth Care but never did his beard before. I think I did a good job. Tomorrow, we will take a picture and we will post it on this blog.

Today, the first of my helpers came at 3:15PM so that I could instruct her as to Dick's care, especially the stand lift, and get to the 4PM Mass. I had to miss Mass last week and for me that is hard as it is an hour that I use for centering and regrouping. I really miss Mass when I cannot go.

An aide named Kim came and it went just fine. He had taken his meds and she made the bed and did the dishes and emptied the dishwasher too. He had to go to the bathroom once and that worked well too. Now I feel a bit more confident that this will work.

He went to bed at about 7:30PM this evening and I will be following him very soon.

Tomorrow will be a day at home. I don't expect anybody either so that will be different. I wonder if Roxie will be looking for some company. She is so used to the parade that goes in and out of here.

Dia Dhuit


I found a quote that I hid in a notebook some time ago. I will share it tonight.

"We worry about what a child will become tomorrow. Yet we forget that he is someone today." Stacia Taucher

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