Monday, March 26, 2012

A good night's sleep made me ready to face the day, but tonight I am ready for sleep again. Believe me.

I did zip out after Dick got up and I had him set up with his meds, his juice and Iced tea and his nebuliser. I had to pick up some meds for Mom and stop over at her house to see that the bills were all paid. I wanted to update her as to how things are going here too. These things are not easily explained on the phone especially with her hearing problem. She looks well.

I got home and fixed lunch for Dick and me. At 2PM Tim picked us up to take us to the Clinic here in Plymouth. His coagulation count is just perfect. Dr. Sharon has reviewed everything that has been presented by the other doctors and does not have a definitive answer as to the weakness and confusion but agrees that the procedure that Dr. Herman wants to do is necessary, so we will be scheduling that within a week, I would imagine. This afternoon was exhausting but at least that stand lift is making Dick's transfers safe.

Kitty thinks it is time to go to bed and I believe that I agree with her. As soon as I am done watching Dancing with the Stars, I will be there.

We will see what tomorrow brings.

Dia Dhuit


A.E. Housman, who said, "Knowledge is good, method is good, but one thing beyond all others is necessary; and that is to have a head, not a pumpkin, on your shoulders and brains, not pudding, in your head."

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