Thursday, March 29, 2012

I went in to the Sheboygan Clinic to see Dr.Leben. I showed her the log that I kept for a week or more after she did the shot in my back. It did show that the shot WAS working but the benefits were destroyed because of the strains I put on the back and ribs helping Dick. She has suggested that I see Dr. Sidiki for a different kind of shot that will actually deaden the nerve and bring relief from the pain. I talked it over with Dick and he said that he would do it if it were him. That will be scheduled sometime next week.

Dick will be having a procedure done on April 16th. It will hopefully go a long way towards solving his UTIs and improve his general health. He is so weak.

Ashley, the RN form VNA came today to check him and we discussed things that are being worked on. I plan to talk to a home care management group tomorrow and wewill set up some initial help for us.

I was able to finish a project for CWI and get a half bolt of the CWI tartan ordered. I also talked to a couple of people about the Gathering. Kate has made the reservations for our room at the Inn on Woodlake. That will be a good break in just a month and is something for me to look forward to also.

So tomorrow will be rather busy. Home health care, Jody, the cleaner and Mary from the Care Management. I will be going to bed VERY soon so that I can be ready to get up at 6AM.

So Dia Dhuit


A Haiku from me

How far must I run
To feel freedom on my face
Under floating clouds.

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