Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hello It was a day of one thing after another.    The weather was lovely though.  Which is always an upper.

I got up at six when Roxie woke me.   Dick woke up then too, so it seemed just as easy to just stay up as I grocery shop on Wednesdays, as you probably have figured out, and I like to get there early.  I did get there early and did quite will.  I have a lovely rump roast that I am going to corn for St. Patrick's day.   I will get it started tomorrow.  Four weeks should make it REALLY good.

I got home to find that we had had a phone call.  It was from the VNA and this is where things started to get really wild.   The call was from Stacy, who wanted to do an evaluation to see if perhaps we need a nurse again for a while.   I told her that we had not had a home health aid for over a week.   Stacy was a wonder, she came at 10AM and had a home health aid, Nancy, who was the first home health aid we had, here at 10:30AM.   So Dick is all cleaned up and there are no sore spots anywhere.    We are, however, very concerned about his breathing problem, so she arranged for Ashley, a nurse, to come this afternoon at 4PM to do a full evaluation.

BUT, before that, Bobbie came for lunch and we took Dick to Sheboygan to Wisconsin Prosthesis to pick up his permanent left prosthesis.  He was too exhausted to walk in it but Marty fitted it and sent it home for him to start wearing tomorrow.

We got home in time for Ashley's visit.   She has made arrangements for someone to come to do the blood test that I would have had to take Dick over to the clinic for.  This will give him a few days at home to rest and we see Dr. Sharon on Monday.  

So,  We are two very tired people.    He went to bed at 7:30PM.   I am only up because I was participating in a telephone seminar at 8PM.  It is now over and ended with a meditation.   So I am going to to to bed while I am still relaxed and ready to sleep.

I will end with a lovely quote I got during the seminar from the Dahli Llama.

"Western woman will change the course of humanity."

Let us do our job.

Dia Dhuit.


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