Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Today was quite a nice day despite the fact that we had to take Dick to Wisconsin Prosthesis this afternoon in a rain snow mix.

I slept until 7:30AM and then went grocery shopping.  Dick was still sleeping, I woke him enough to tell him that I would be gone for an hour.   He was willing to sleep more, so that worked out quite well.

I got home and he was still sleeping, so I put the groceries away and caught up in Quicken.  Then he was sitting up in bed, so we got him all ready for the day.   And a busy day it was.   

Bobbie got here at about 10AM.   We had wine to work on.  We bottled two gallons of beet wine.   It sure is a pretty wine.   We hope it tastes as good as it looks.    So far one of them just tastes like beet juice, but it has to age for a while to find out its potential.    As the saying goes.   "No wine before its time."   Bobbie got a new siphon which really works well.   It stops when the bottle is full so that you can switch bottles without drips and spills.

We had hamburger helper for our lunch.   Dick has been asking for that.   I picked up a box of cheesy hamburger flavor.    We had that, a salad and lavender cookies for lunch.

Dick's Health care worker was supposed to come to give him his sponge bath but could not because her daughter had the flu.   So tomorrow, I will wash him down in the morning.    Bobbie and I took Dick to Wisconsin Prosthesis at 2PM.   He had his "second fitting" for the permanent prosthesis.   We go back in two weeks for another and then hopefully two weeks later he will have it.   It is a long process but has to be I guess.

We got home at about 3:30PM.   Tomorrow will be a quiet day.    Sara for PT at about noon and I need to go and run several errands at about 3PM.  

I accidentally shut Roxie in the wine room downstairs for about 45 minutes.    I thought she might have followed me downstairs when I took the potatoes and onions down but did not realize that she had gone in there.   I even left the door at the bottom of the stairs open so that she could come up.   When Bobbie got here we started looking and heard her meowing.   She was quite indignant.

So now you know the day.   Now I will be signing off.   I will share with you a St Bridget tradition that continues to this day in Ireland.   St.Bridget's day is February 1st.   I will be doing it myself.

Dia Dhuit


Brat Bhríde

In Ireland there has been a custom down through the centuries of putting a white cloth out on a bush beside the house on the Eve (31st January) of St Bridget's Day. This cloth was left out over night and it is believed St Bridget passed over it during the night and blessed it. In the morning the cloth was taken in and folded away for the year. People believed in had powers of curing sore throats, headaches and toothaches. If someone developed any of these conditions they wrapped the cloth around their heads to help cure whatever was the problem. This cloth was known as Brat Bhríde and in many parts throughout Ireland the custom still exists of putting out the white cloth on the night before St Bridget's Day. The custom is still widespread throughout the country.

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