Thursday, January 26, 2012

It seemed like a very long day today and I only had to leave home once.

I slept until almost 8AM.  Dick wanted to get up when Roxie did at 6AM, so we got him all put together, I gave him his meds and some tea and juice, fed the cat and went back to bed.  That extra time really meant a lot.  

When I got up, I fixed breakfast and did some sewing and cleaned under the refrigerator (I hadn't really planned on that, but one of Dick's wheelchair wheels popped the refrigerator vent below and as long as it was off, it seemed like a good idea.)  I also gave Dick a sponge bath as the home health aid had not been here for a few days and we knew he would feel better.   Good thing I did, there was one little sore to be tended to.

Sara, the PT, came at about noon and put Dick through his paces.   For some reason, his right heel was very sore today.   We are trying different ply sox on that stump to see if different pressure will help.

I tried a nap when Sara left but it did not work.

So I went to Walgreens to pick up the prescriptions that were waiting there and a couple of things for Mom, then on to the bank for money, then to the post office.   Jim and Michelle, your Christmas Box finally came back and I have relabeled it and sent it to the RIGHT address.   You should be getting your Gibbsville box any day now,  after the post office, I stopped at Plymouth City Hall to pay the RE taxes, then finally a run into the police station to dispose of some meds that we are no longer using. WHEW.   But it was all one nice convenient circle and now ALL those errands are done.

A nice quiet evening.   And I am winding down and almost ready for bed.    I am enjoying a perfect Irish Coffee.  Decaf, of course, with Jamison, of course.

Are you jealous?

Until tomorrow
Dia Dhuit


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