Monday, January 30, 2012

Mother looked beautiful this morning with her new permanent.   I think it perked her up too.   There is nothing like a good haircut or perm to make a woman feel like a woman.

Bible study was sparsely attended, but we don't worry about that.   Those who can come, come and we are praying for each other and those who cannot come.  We are trying to figure out a means of transportation for our Jan, who is 87, and needs rides.  Her ride couldn't come today.  We are going to fix that.  

We did have great discussions and will still be studying Psalm 72, a royal Psalm, next week if you want to join us.  We meet almost every Monday at Blessed Trinity in the rectory at 9:30AM.  We are trying to become more aware of our "kingly" obligations to care for those who are in need in any way.

Then I went to Mom's and we had a lovely visit and took care of her bills again.  That weekly visit seems to take care of them.  Mom gave me two cinnamon rolls for our breakfast tomorrow.   She still has some of those liquor filled candies.   Eat your heart out, Bobbie, she had the whiskey filled ones out today.  If you get over there in the next couple of days you can probably get one.

Home again.   Today, Sara, the PT, came at about 12:30PM and put Dick through his paces.  He did very well actually.   Tomorrow I have some paces for him to got through.

Then at 2PM or so, Robbie from the VNA came with Dick's new CPAP machine.  It is really neat.  The mask seems much more comfortable and the machine records daily use on a disc that can be taken to the doctor for an immediate sleep study.   How cool is that.

We had tbone steaks and twice baked potatoes for supper tonight.   A totally super meal

Thursday is the semi annual Meat sale at the Pig.   I am picking up Kate and we are going to shop for meat, go to the Taco Stop for lunch and take our leftovers to our husbands for lunch.   (THey will really get their own meals but doesn't that sound wild or something.)

So another busy day.   Tomorrow is quiet except that I have a dentist appointment.   Ich.  But we must keep out teeth in good shape too.  

Have a super Tuesday yourselves.   I love you all. Big hugs.

Dia Dhuit


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