Saturday, December 24, 2011

Today was another busy day but certainly much more manageable.  We were up a couple of times in the morning from 4AM on but it was for minor things and for feeding Roxie.   We finally got up at 7AM.   I had to keep a move on as the blow up bed ( which works quite well, I thought,)  had to be deflated and out of the bedroom by 9AM.

I knew my new twin was being delivered between 9 and noon and as we are so close to the store just figured it would be the first delivery or so.   I was right.  We got a call at 9AM and the bed was set up before 9:30 and they had the queen spring and mattress down in the basement before they left.  The way it is set up, I have more room to walk around it than with the blow up bed.  Thank heaven.  And I am closer in height to Dick too.   So it will feels like we are more in the same bed.

He walked two times today and the urinary tract infection seems to be showing improvement already.  I took a nice long nap this afternoon after we had a Tbone steak and garlic bread  for our dinner. 

Then I went to the 4PM Mass.   I got there at 3:30PM trying to beat the crowds.  But that is impossible before this particular Mass as the Folk Choir does a pre mass concert and the place is packed from about 3PM on.   I did finally manage a seat and the Mass and music were spectacular.   Great tradiditonal songs including the Messiah.   AND I was an assigned Eucharistic Minister and had the privilege of serving the wine to my  fellow worshipers.   I never get over that.

Home again Dick and I had a glass of Christmas wine together and ate leftovers for our supper.   And I finally finished wrapping the presents.   It is after 8PM and we are starting to get ready for bed.   Our aim is always 9PM.    This will be my first night in the new bed.   I hope it is as nice as it seems.     And I hope that Roxie likes it too.

Tomorrow is Christmas.   I am so happy.   The tree is as decorated as it is going to be.    The presents are all decorated.   Bobbie is bringing the meal.    All I have to do is "neaten up" as they say so that we have places to eat and sit and set things down.

Merry Christmas - God bless us every one.


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