Friday, December 23, 2011

I felt pretty good this morning when I got up.   Dick slept until 4AM then wanted to sit on the bed for an hour or so just relaxing, I guess, so I got some more sleep.   As much as I could with Roxie being an absolute brat.   After she was fed, she, of course, left me alone. but I helped Dick finish getting up at that time.

Jody got here to clean at 8:00AM and Bobbie arrived shortly after.   Between the two of them and my looking like I was doing something (I hope), they got the queen sized bed disassembled and the mattress and springs leaned up against the wall for the Furniture people to take downstairs when they come with my twin sized bed tomorrow.

We managed to eat and get vitamins and nebulizer treatments in during that time.   Josh from VNA came with the bed at about 10:30AM.   He got it all together, except, the trapeze that he brought was not right so he had to go back to the shop to get the right on.

Rachel the nurse from VNA came at 11:30AM.   She gave him a good going over.    She will be back next week and I have instructions for his sores and dressings.   There are more dressings and wound wash on the way.   Dick has been showing signs of a urinary infection.   I picked up a sample bottle yesterday and we were waiting for Dr. Sharon's OK.    Rachel got that and took the sample to the lab.

Whew.   That was the morning.  I had put in a pizza for lunch so we snacked as we went.

Then, this afternoon, Michelle and Jim called for a Christmas call and a really good update on what and how they are doing.   I was able to let them hear the lovely music box on the Kincaid Village music box floral arrangement and tell them that Roxie loves it too.    Bobbie found that one of the roses has been lightly nibbled.   And we know who the flower eater in this house is.  We are all SO disappointed that their trip up here was thwarted and in such a miserable way for them.    But at least they are safe at home and not stranded in some storm as some were.

While on the phone with them, Jean. my neighbor, dropped over with cookies and a request for me to pick up the mail.   AND Josh came back with the trapeze for the bed and installed that.

When I hung up from talking to Jim and Michelle, there was a message from Dr. Sharon's office.   Dick, indeed, does have and infection and I had to go over to Walgreens to get his antibiotics.  

Home again, I put the sheets and all on Dick's bed and then fixed soup and grilled cheese for Supper.   Then I blew up the inflatable twin that is going to be my bed just for tonight as tomorrow morning the new twin bed will arrive.   After I get that in place and the delivery guys take the queen stuff downstairs, I can finally get our bedroom in order. 

Now it is after 7:30PM.   I am exhausted.   I am hoping that all of this prep will gradually make the days easier because in between all these things, Dick needs help when there is walking or standing involved.   Sometimes very little but I like to and feel that I need to be there for him.

So pray for us that our weary bodies get the rest they need tonight.   We look forward to each day together, even when they are not perfect as we know how much more imperfect they are when we are apart.

Dia Dhuit


Enjoy these blessed days.

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