Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A very successful day, I thought.  

Slept until after 7AM.  Then I ate breakfast and spent the morning preparing for tonight's poetry circle and cleaning.

I left for Rocky Knoll at 10:30AM.    Dick's walking and other therapy went VERY well today.    Corrie trained three of the CNA's as to how to walk with Dick and he got onto the bed from the chair and back again.   When the first walk went so well he told Corrie and me call Tim.   I think I told you that yesterday, when Time was there to see how Dick was walking, he was SO tired and in pain and couldn't do too much.

We had lunch together again.   There were a LOT of visitors, so I sat on a corner again, which works just fine when I bring my own food.   Nice that there are visitors.

We both took a bit of a nap after lunch, then I left at 2:30 so that I could go to Just Jane's to that Jessica could cut my hair.   I feel much lighter now.

Then home again for time with Roxie before I left to pick up Sy Regan for the Poetry Circle that Karl Elder hosts at Mead once a month during the school year.   We had a lively bunch tonight.    Several veterans poems - really impressive.   I read the poem that Dad wrote for me  and one of my own.    They were both much lighter and a nice note to end on. 

I was delighted that Karl said that he thought my poem had native American undertones. The Irish and the Native Americans have similar beliefs.

I will post that one at the end of this post.    It is a bit late for me now and I still have to exercise.

God love you


An Áit Anam

I went to the eating place
To nourish my body.
I went to the sleeping place
To rest from the toil.
I went to the growing place
To plant and to harvest.
I went to the learning place
To fill up my mind.
I went to the healing place
To bind up my wounds.
I went to the loving place
To be with my love.
I went to the friendship place
To share with companions.
Finally, I searched for the praying place
And found that I had been there all along.

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