Monday, September 26, 2011

This was a RAINY morning.  It poured for at lease 4 solid hours.  God was watching over me though because every time I had to be out in the open, it would stop long enough for me to get my errand done and back to the car.    How sweet is that.  

Bible study was fun today.   We have a new member, a lovely lady who used to live in Sheboygan.   We got into a deep discussion on Psalm 37.   That psalm says that God will shelter and give rewards to the just and punish the evil.    Jan our new person said that this is somewhat a problem for her because she cannot justify the fact that mothers around the world, innocent people, watch their children,  the most innocent, die in their arms.   She is going to ask God when she gets up there.   In the meantime, we are going to ask our various priest what the answer is for this.   We all agree that we question these things sometimes.   Faith keeps us where we are and we are among the privileged people, that are NOT hungry or alone.   I'll bet next week will be again a lively discussion.

Mother and I had a lovely visit and we took care of several financial thingies.   She looks really good and was so pretty in her purple velour sweatsuit.

I went right there to Rock Knoll to have Lunch with Dick and spend some time with him as I had scheduled a doctor appointment for myself.    I am concerned with the pain in my rib cage and that darned liver thingy.   When Dick comes home, I have to be able to take care of him.    Dr. Murthy has scheduled a CT Scan for the ribs and liver and is sending me to a chiropractor to help relieve some of the other pains that are arthritic caused.   Makes sense to me.  I also got my flu shot since I was there.

Dick is experiencing pneumonia symptoms again.    The nurses and the doctor are doing everything they can to keep it from blooming.   He is taking inhalation therapy,   they are taking another x-ray and there is a new antibiotic being prescribed.   We just want to get him to Wednesday morning when the pulmonary specialist will see him.   I still think that it is abominable that one has to wait three weeks to see one of them.

He is getting rather disoriented again, which worries me very much.   And he is SO weak.    Tomorrow is a busy day for him again too.  Tim is coming to make adjustments on the prosthesis and we are having a conference to evaluate what has to be done before release.

Pray for us very hard the next two days as it is going to be hard on him.  

So I must get a good night's sleep as last night was not good.    I kept waking up with achy body parts.   Hopefully, I am tired enough tonight to sleep through them.

Take care of your selves as you are all very special to me.

God love you


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