Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday Monday

I started off by sleeping til 7AM after Roxie rudely woke me up to feed her at 6AM.  Then I had a light breakfast and went to Bible Study via the bank as I had a check to cash.

There were  seven of us at Bible Study this week.    Last week I had mentioned that I was having a scone baking day at the house on Saturday and they "suggested" that perhaps I would LOVE to share scones with them, so I did.   I brought some of the Raspberry white chocolate scones for them to sample.  We discussed Psalm 34 this week.   It is an acrostic, though of course the translation from Hebrew does not show this.   An acrostic is a poem, as an example, using the first letters of the word LOVE for a 4 line poem.   This was a poem based on the Hebrew alphabet.   It is a beautiful Psalm and generated a lot of discussion.  

We got a gift today from Sy Regan.   He gave us his study bible for a reference book.   He cannot read it any more.   Poor Man but he is very cheerful.    I will be taking him to the Poet's Corner at Mead on Wednesday night.

Next, went to Mother's.   She looks really well and pretty with her fresh perm.   We had a great visit and took care of her financial business.   She is so excited that Dick was able to walk last Friday.  

Then home where I ate lunch and petted Roxie for a bit then went to writer's club.    I had a couple of poems to read and the other members had stories and poems also.   One of my poems was a 9-11 thing, a cinquan:


We lived again
The tumbling of the towers
As we watched in growing horror.
Ten years!

I next went to Rocky Knoll.   Dick was just coming out of therapy.   He walked twice and further each time than on Friday.   Yea Dick.

We visited until supper time.  I ate with him and "the guys". Fred and Bud will be going home this week and the other Ernie is going to have a home inspection next week.    This is such good news.    We want it too.

Now I am watching the first show of Dancing With The Stars.   My only reality/contesty type of show.  So far it is very entertaining. 

So.  You sleep well and have a wonderful tomorrow.

God love you


Here is the answer to yesterday's question.

21 steps

It alludes to the
twenty-one gun salute which is
the highest honor
given any military or foreign dignitary.


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