Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It rained this morning.   Kind of late in the morning but rain none the less and my plants really needed it so I was glad.   The temps were in the 70s.   It was a bit muggy but nothing to get alarmed about so I feel it was a perfect summer day.

I got the trash out first thing then caught up on a couple of email projects before leaving for Sheboygan Falls to join my friend Bob Fleming for breakfast at the Park View Restaurant.   We had a great catch up breakfast.  He is busy with several projects.   I saw him for just moments at Irish Fest.   But since we had this breakfast planned,it just gave us more to talk about.   He is the guy that sends cards - hand made by him with the envelopes so pretty that one hates to throw them away too.

Then I stopped at the bank to take care of a couple of things before going to Rocky Knoll for Dick.    I had lunch with him.  I brought a salad for me.   Dick is still very weak, but the pain in his neck and chest is receding.   Tim from Wisconsin Prosthesis came today and brought the shrinkers for the right leg along.   So, we are started on the process.  He also resumed therapy though it will have to be built up again because of his weakness.  He was unable to stand but almost got up on the third try so we were happy with that.

I was watching that Dawn commercial about washing the oil drenched creatures in the Gulf and it reminded me of a story.

In my previous life, when Bart and Bret were babies, we had a cat named Samantha.   She was part Siamese,  black as coal with the greenest eyes I have ever seen.   In those days at that place, one did not keep cats in the house necessarily and Sam was pretty much both.   She had a couple of litters of kittens while we had her.   One of the litters had a black kitten with a hernia.   It had this lump the size of a golf ball on its tummy.   Then one morning,  I went out into the garage where we kept Sam and her kittens to feed and water her and found that this poor kitten had fallen into a bucket of grease that my ex husband had in the garage.    Poor thing,    Sam had gotten it out of the oil but then rejected her because she was unable to lick her clean  without getting sick.

So,  I called the Vet's office and explained the situation.   I told about the lump and the oil.   He said to bring the kitten in to have the lump checked.   I said that was fine, but what about the oil.   It got very quiet at the other end of the line,  then he said. "How to get oil off a kitten.   Hold on Please."   They suggested washing the kitten in baby shampoo but I wish we had had Dawn then.   Baby Shampoo helped but did not do too much good.

That poor little kitty,  I took her in,  they got her all cleaned up and wrapped her tummy in a truss which helped the hernia temporarily but when the bandage was off, out it came again.  So I finally had to have her put away.   That was hard.  But it was best for her.

So that is my story for the day.   Tomorrow is shopping, the "cocktail hour" at Rocky Knoll and a hair cut.

Whew.   I thought this was going to be a quiet week.

God love you


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