Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tomorrow is the day.   It seems to have taken forever, yet I can't believe that it is already here.

The surgery is confirmed for 1PM and we are to check in at 11AM.   I believe that we have everything that has to go with us prepared.   

This was not a bad day up  until about 3PM.   Then, Dick went to the bathroom and the new motorized wheel chair sparked and stopped working all together.   I called the Accessibility and they are sending someone out to pick it up on Monday.   They will call ahead so I can have someone here when they come.  They helped me remember how to move it without power as poor Dick was trapped in the bathroom.   We will use the regular wheelchair now and the unit should be fixed by the time he needs it again.   It better be.   We certainly don't need that aggravation.

I racked my Currant/Marigold must into jugs today.   Now it has to sit for several weeks before I have to do anything else with it.    This is an experiment.   I am using up two of my favorite wine ingredients together.  I did not have enough of either for a batch, so decided to combine them.   It smells good anyway.   Should be a different wine with hints of both ingredients.  Kind of Sherry like.

So the day is winding down and I am glad.   We just want this to be over with.   Waiting is so hard.   I have such hope that this fix will heal and then we can get on with working on movement and living.   These past three years have been one wound after another.    If I am discouraged, I can't imagine how my sweetheart must feel.  

We have trust in God that all will go well.   Things happen for a reason.   I always say that I know God never sends us more than we can handle, but sometimes I think He might push the envelope a bit.

I read this and posted it on my desk.   "Whenever God closes one door, He always opens another, even though sometimes, it's hell in the hallway."

God love you


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