Friday, March 18, 2011

Another Friday and another beginning of a Trap and Pistol League at Rhine Plymouth.   I had to work tonight.   We were very busy.    We signed up nine 3-man trap teams this first week of the trap league and already have 14 in the pistol league.   I didn't shoot until the end of the shift as I was expecting Nancy to come.   Then when I got home, there was a call from her saying that she could not come because she got bogged down in tomorrow's plans to go see her granddaughter.  So I am a bit ahead of her but we will do just fine.

It was an active day.    Jody came to do the cleaning this morning then  we had to get ready for Dick's dentist appointment at 10:40AM.  Bobbie arrived at about 10:15AM to help us get him there.    He was fine except for a pocket in his gum that they had to treat with antibiotics.  He said it is not painful and does not have to go again until his usual 6 month checkup.

We stopped and picked up Chinese food on the way home.   The three of us all like Chinese and Bill is not too thrilled with it so it makes a nice treat.

Then Bobbie and I went down to the "winery" and did a lot of work there.   We racked both of Bobbie's Beet wines and racked, filtered and bottled, the parsley, persimmon and lemon balm wines.   Roxie was quite irritated with us.   I finally figured out that I am sure that she really wanted for me to take a nap so she could rest.

Bobbie and Bill are coming tomorrow so that 'Bill can change the bulb in the kitchen ceiling light.  I told her they might as well come for lunch as I am going to make corned beef and cabbage with my own corned beef which is now ready to cook.

Now it is after 10:30PM and you know that I am a 9 o'clock wonder so it is WAY past my bedtime.

So I am winding down and going there.   Tomorrow is another day.

God love you


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