Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Another busy Wednesday.    Since it was shopping day, I picked up breakfast from Mc Donalds.   It was a lot more fun when we could just go there but his brings us the memories and we do like their breakfast sandwiches.

Grocery shopping did go well.   I was all our of soft drinks, and flavored water so everything was heavy.   But it went well and I was done by 9:30AM.    I was able to move some of the food down into the freezer that Jeff and Shane brought over from Mother's.   Old it may be but it works just fine.   Now I am able to preserve the excess veggies and fruits that are coming my way this season.  I was running out of room.

This afternoon, I had some banking to do for CWI and then went on to Walmart to add minutes to my Tracfone.   I was down to 6 minutes and 120 days.    I now have over 900 minutes and over 6 months.  I was thinking of a more involved phone but after asking Richard and Brenda, decided I am best to keep it simple and cheap.

We had tilapia, hash browns and fresh beets (a gift from Jeff) for lunch and leftovers for supper.  Again I am exhausted.  

I really miss my Chelsea today.   Don't know why.

Take care of yourselves.   Tomorrow, Dick has his dental visit.  And we are getting the carpet cleaned.

God love you


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