Friday, July 30, 2010

What a wonderful day.   Chelsea got me up at 1:30AM or so then did not come back until 5:30AM.  So the night was not too broken up.   I fed the critters after I took her out at 5:30 and went back to bed until almost 7.   Then I had to rush JUST a little bit because Jody comes at 8AM to clean.Perfect, since tomorrow is the Kunter reuinion.

I baked some Lemon Scones , washed some towels and watered the indoor plants before it was time to join my friends for lunch at the Dairy Queen.  We had a nice visit and I ate a grilled cheese and bought two orders of fries.  One to eat and share with lunch and one to bring home for Chelsea treats.

Then I made a quick run out to Mother's to see how she was doing and to pick up some veggies that Jeff had left for me.

On the way home, I picked up prescriptions for Dick at Walgreen's and stopped at Cappelle's for fresh corn and tomatoes for our supper.   Bill and Leslie came in today.   They called just before I got back and were in Port Washington.  So they were not long in arriving.  We all had a wonderful visit.   We got caught up on how the girls and their spouses are doing and how things are down in Bossier City and how their trip was.   It was so nice to be able to just visit before everybody is here.  They joined us for the fresh corn - Leslie was SO excited about that.   Apparently Louisiana is very lacking in fresh corn so this was a real treat.   They will be back about noon tomorrow and again on Sunday.   This is a pleasure of a visit.

So I am now ready to sleep and hopefully get really rested for tomorrow.  I will be seeing nieces and nephews that I know and several new ones.   And all Dick and I have to do is be here and as Bobbie says "smile."

God love you and bless your weekend.


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