Thursday, July 29, 2010

Another day at home.   I got a lot done.  Dick had three shirts that were just a bit too long as they get tangled because he is sitting in the wheel chair.  So I shortened them this afternoon.   Hope I got them the right length.  They are very close to the length of the shirts that are comfortable.  So I am sure that they will be better anyway.

Remember my birthday balloon?  The one that has been up on the ceiling since May 21?   Well,   late last week, it started moving across the ceiling.   Not too fast but just a little bit.  This morning, I went into the bathroom off of the master bedroom and there it was bobbing up and down in front of the shower door.   We think that perhaps, since I opened the doors this morning because it was so pleasant outside, the air currents helped it migrate.   But now it is hovering just outside of the bathroom door so we will just have to see what it has in mind.

We are SO easily amused.

I found a great quote from poet, John Ashbery:  "There is a view that poetry should improve your life.   I think people confuse it with the Salvation Army."

While I was downstairs sewing, Roxie came down to join me.    The grounds crew were mowing the lawn.   She likes to sit on the ledge looking out of the window.   Suddenly, one of the guys came by the window with the weed eater and Roxie sailed like a rocket to the middle of the den.   He scared the dickens out of her.   Boy did I laugh.

Have a really good Friday.   Ours will be as it is pretty quiet but Leslie and Bill will arrive sometime in the afternoon and are joining us for fresh sweet corn for dinner.


And God love you


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