Saturday, July 03, 2010

The strangest thing is happening on my blog. I cannot type anything in the post - UNLESS I hit publish post and then go back and edit. Isn't that weird?

Today was quiet and hot. I saw a high of 88 degrees an it is muggy. Trying to convince Mother to keep her air on to keep the humidity down in the house is quite a chore. But not here. I did leave the doors open this morning until the temps hit 70 degrees. Just to freshen the air.

I baked a deep dish apple pie today. I am overstocked on fresh apples. Oranges too. We had better get to eating fresh fruit.

Chelsea had a good day and a bad day. We went for a nice long walk through the park and around the tract this morning. She was a perky little girl with her tail flying majestically. Then this afternoon, she had two seizures back to back.

I went to mass at 4PM. Now I can be home tomorrow all day. Monday is the holiday. I plan on being home most of the day then too but will go to see Mother for a couple of hours on Monday.

Hope you have a very special holiday weekend. I have decided to fly my flag all three days of the holiday weekend. We sang America the Beautiful and God Bless
America at church today.

We are a proud country. Lets remember where we came from, who we are and protect our soldiers overseas and those that are struggling with the injuries inside and out or their service for our freedom.

God love you


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