Friday, May 14, 2010

Well, yesterday got completely away from me. I started out OK. I put together a casserole for today's lunch. I did some wash and then I started making phone calls.

The one that really took time was that I finally gave up and called the insurance company about the rings and watch that are missing. That took a while but they were very helpful.

They told me that I did need to report it to the police, so that took another while. The officer was very helpful. He suggested a couple of places to look, one of them that I had not thought of, but they weren't there either.

Then I got a call from a company called Replacements that took quite a while because the lady who called was asking for more description of the three and sent pictures of several rings to see if they would have one similar. I really want MY rings back and will keep looking but at least I will have the memories and a similar one.

Then I took a short nap. The phone rang as I was waking up. It was Donna. She was at Mother's. Mother had fallen again and was very very weak. Donna and Randy were leaving for Madison, at about

Anyway, I drove over to Mom's so that Donna could leave. Mom slowly came back to herself. She was not going to tell anyone again, but Nora called after she had managed to get herself up and in the chair and Nora could tell something was wrong. I helped Mother get into her pajamas and robe and we got her dinner out of the freezer and convenient in the refrigerator. I stayed until she seemed to be alert and her color was good. Then I had to get home because Dick needed me and I did not know how long Chelsea would hold out. Jeff called her later in the evening and then the caregiver, Alicia is there at 7:30AM to get her up. Alicia called me with concerns.

I finally got to bed at about 9:30.

Chelsea did not get me up until 5AM. That is the longest uninterrupted sleep that I have had in 3 years except when I am not home.

Today was busy too. Jody, our new cleaning lady, came at 8AM. She is very nice and got a lot done. I am pleased.

Bobbie got here a bit before 10AM. She and I went downstairs after Jody left and filtered the Lemon Balm wine and bottled her Sheboygan Spice. Then I fixed them lunch and at about 12:30 went to the Dairy Queen for lunch with my friends. We had a pretty full crew. Mary Schroeder is coming again. She became a grandma again last night. Her son Eric and his wife delivered at home with a midwife.

On the way home, I picked up meds for Chelsea and me.

This evening I had another adventure. I drove out to Rhine to shoot my last three targets. I got downstairs and realized that I had forgotten to load my magazines. To top it off, I only had 12 bullets. I ran upstairs, as we USED to have 22 shells for sale.

No luck and none of the other pistol shooters were there. I did not thing Nancy was going to be there until 6:30 and I had to be at the Plymouth Art Center for Kate's concert tonight. So I asked Jerry if I could finish tomorrow of Sunday and he said OK. Then on the way home I passed Nancy heading to the club, so I spun a u turn and headed back. She was surprised to see me but did have extra ammo with her. She had forgotten her cash so that worked will. We helped each other out. I did not do to badly. I believe that I have finished with at least a 50 average. And Nancy finished with a bang too. Next week is the bust up party. It is also my birthday and I will be bringing a birthday cake.

I got home in time to eat supper with Dick, change and get to the Plymouth Art Center for their presentation of It's a Grand Night for Singing with the Plymouth Art Center singers that Kate is a part of. They had a really interesting selection of music and did an excellent job of it. I saw a lot of friends there.

Now it is way past my bedtime, so I am going to close up and go to bed. Pray for my Mom. I am very concerned about her safety and her feelings.

God love you all


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