Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Most of today was rainy and cold. Chelsea was not happy with me because I would not take her for a nice long walk. Rain doesn't really bother her too much.

She got me up twice last night. Once just about midnight and once at 4:30AM or so. The 4:30AM was rough for her because she came in coughing and collapsed next to the bed. Poor thing, But poor me too. I had trouble getting back to sleep both times and was not very rested most of the day. I rested on the couch for a while this morning but was unable to sleep.

I did some planning for the Mary Pat Kelly weekend,made a couple of appointments and did a bit of wash and cleaning. This afternoon, I had an appointment with Tom Schmidtke, my investment counselor at Wells. We went over the portfolio and will be making a few refining changes in the next couple of weeks.

Now I am watching Dancing With The Stars and when that is over, I will go to bed. Tomorrow will be busy. Shopping, lunch with my classmates and the dentist. But Thursday I am home ALL day.

Barb called tonight. They were not affected by the tornadoes. Jim and Michelle got more of the brunt of it but posted on their blog to let us know that they were OK too.

Have a good Wednesday.

God love You


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