Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Today was a very busy day. Wednesdays often are but I had an extra meeting today.

Started off grocery shopping at 8:30 or so. That went well. I got home at about 9:30 and got all the groceries put away. I was really busy all morning but can't really tell you what I did. I did make a fruit salad during the morning. I had purchased a quarter of watermelon and a pineapple to add to the strawberries and kiwi that I had cut up the day before. We had that for our supper with cottage cheese.

On these hot days, fruit salads get very popular in this house and it was up as high as 88 on my car thermometer today.

Shortly after lunch, I headed over to Mother's. I knew Jeff was there to have lunch with Mother and do do some yard work for her so I took the large leaf basil with me. One for Mom, one for Jeff and Kathy and one for Shane and Georgina.

Jeff and Kathy gave me three tomato plants and some fresh asparagus. Then, Mother went into the living room to rest while Jeff went to pick up the plants for her gardens and for the planters for the cemetery. I went with Jeff and picked up pretty much everything I need too. A regular parsley, a lavender, some marigolds and a thyme. Over the Memorial Day weekend, I want to plant things.

After that, I had the Amputee Support Group Meeting to go to. Wish I could get Dick to go too. We had a speaker from the Adult Protection Department of the Department of Aging and Disability talk to us. I did learn a lot. I learned that one can OPT OUT of credit card marketing. I may do that.

Home again, I took a nap before dinner because I had a meeting with Bob Harker of the Sheboygan History Museum and Beth and Katie Dipple of the SCHRC and one of Bob's staff, Nancy. We are helping plan the July Third Saturday which has the theme of "When Irish Eyes Were Smiling - A Story of Immigration." I have things to do and want to bring in the Celtic Women with their stories of immigration.

Thunder, lightening and rain started at about 7:30PM. It rained pretty much all the way home but has now stopped. One of my neighbors said that her rain gauge showed that we had and inch in that short period of time. Good, my planters really needed it and it saves me a day of hauling water out on the deck.

Tomorrow is much quieter. I am going to lunch with my friend Bob Fleming and Sr. Marcia to the Exchange Bank. Dick and I are going out for dinner in the evening so I don't even have to cook.

Nice as I have some computer work, work on the Museum event and a couple of people to contact.

Hope it is nice tomorrow and that you have a super day.

Please pray for our Michelle who is having health problems and Jim who loves her. They need all they can get.



Philip Neri prayed, "Let me get through today, and I shall not fear tomorrow."

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