Saturday, December 05, 2009

This was a very up day for me. I spent the morning baking bread and getting things around here so that I could spend most of the morning on Celtic Women.

I got to the Plymouth History Museum a bit before 12:30PM to begin setting up for the Celtic tea. It was a smash. We had a full house. Most of the Sheboygan County Celtic Women came with treats to share. The members of the CWI board were there to sell raffle tickets and brag up our organization. Two women came up to me and are interested in being part of the group.

Jim Wilsing was our entertainment. He brought his keyboard which he has programed to play and then he accompanies himself on the whistle. He spends wonderful time telling the history of the songs and how he found them and also showing the different whistles and explaining how they are made and how their sounds differ and have quality.

We had the annual meeting after the program was over. That is done. We have a complete board again and the standing committees are in place. A good way to start the new CWI year.

I am content.

Bobbie came to the program. The first time I have seen her since she broke the wrist. Bill dropped her off and picked her up. She and Bill came by the condo and dropped off a couple of things on the way. Dick was so glad to see Bobbie and that she is OK. Chelsea was beside herself. She just loves them.

Tomorrow, except for church, I will be able to stay home all day. I intend to just kind of laze around and get rested up for the week ahead.

God love you


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