Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Bobbie and I drove to Hartford, WI today to the WB Place to take the three deer hides that the guys were so generous to give to me. Things have changed since I was there last.

The last time I was there was two years ago. Then, you brought in the hides, they were marked, you paid, and in five to six months, after you almost forgot they existed, you got a package with the hides all tanned and ready. ]

Now - you trade in the hides, for a fee, and receive right away a replacement already tanned hide. How easy is that. I had three hides that cost me just over $100.00. Now I have 8 altogether. I only need 4-7 for a jacket. The one I want will use at least 6. So I will have enough for a matching purse and some driving gloves too.

I figure that next year some time, we will be able to squeeze in the cost for the jacket and other things. Yippee.

Once I get it, it will be like my wool coat from Ireland and way outlive me. I probably can will it to somebody.

We got back to Sheboygan at about 2PM so I stopped at Walmart for a couple of things and then at Fleet for nuts and candied and dried fruits for my Christmas baking.

Chelsea was a happy girl today. I had to go out one more time to pick up a prescription for Dick and I let her ride along to Walgreens with me. Boy was she excited. It takes so little to make that sweet little dog happy. It is so hard to believe that she is almost 16 years old. Wonder how long we will have her with us. Sometimes, when she is really bugging me, I feel guilty because I do wonder that. But I get tired too.

Bobbie will be here on Thursday for lunch (liver and onions for us) and to work on the wine. She is also bringing two stewing chickens she got for making soup or chicken stew during the winter.

Tomorrow Mother and I are going to Gibbsville. Good thing, I have allowed our cheese to get down to about none and we need to restock. Also the Christmas presents need to be ordered.

Take care and sleep well.

God love you


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