Tuesday, November 03, 2009

I have been working on putting things in their place since I returned from Chicago and still have not completely succeeded. I also had to spend part of the morning getting ready for the Quilt Club meeting at the Plymouth Library this afternoon.

I fixed chicken, potatoes and gravy, corn and salad for our lunch, then went to the meeting. Dick has been doing a lot of sleeping during the day. I know, it is really easy to tell him to just force himself to stay awake during the day, but unfortunately that does not work for him. At least he is getting sleep these days.

The meeting was quite fun. Some sharing of work, planning for the Christmas event and finishing tying a quilt for one of the members. I was surprised how many of the members I knew when I got there. One of them is a neighbor here in Tallgrass, Lorraine from just down the street. Next month I will try to have a project, a wheel chair or walker bag, done. The club takes them to nursing homes. We are also to bring a $5. gift or preferably something that we have made. That really sounds like fun.

While I was gone last night a man from the Irish Cultural Center called to tell me that I won one of the Christmas Raffle baskets. I am so excited but got home to late to call him back, then tonight I was at the last of my Herbal Remedy Classes. SO tomorrow evening, I will call him back and get it sent. I am so excited. I love winning things.

The class was good tonight. All of the 9 students were there and we discussed and learned how to make salves and oils. I love Linda's classes because they are so interesting AND because we get to bring stuff home with us. Tonight we made a fir oil for soothing and a Lavender, Rosemary, Calendula salve which will be also soothing and smells wonderful

This was the last of the Fall series but she will be doing one in the spring and I believe I will sign up for it unless something comes up. When we discussed salves, I remembered and told her about the Salve that the Deeley's used to make that was supposed to heal any wound. It was called Auntie Brandl's Wonder Salve in our family and lists ingredients that are now illegal and or we don't know what they are.

I copied the recipe from my Mastercook and am sharing it with you. Isn't it fun?


* Exported from MasterCook *

Wonder Salve

Recipe By : Auntie Brandl from Aunt Helen Deeley
Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Family

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
8 ounces sweet oil
4 ounces red lead
3 drams olebaum
2 drams burnt alum
2 drams camphor

Heat oil to boiling point. Add all ingredients except camphor.

Boil until lead turns brown.

Take from fire and immediately add camphor. Beat until cool.

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NOTES : This salve was used for healing sores. Auntie Brandl send some of this salve to my Grandma Deeley when Dad had Turmaline (contracted from contact with rabbits). He had a sore that would not heal. The envelope with the recipe had a note on it to "Put on Hutz's toe" My dad, Hutz, swore by it and after it was gone tried to get Mom to make more. Some of the ingredients are no longer available and according to my brother George, who has a PHD in Water Pollution (Chemistry) are poisonous anyway. Mom has a bottle of sweet oil (which may be too old to be of any use) and a small sample of the original salve. I am not even sure from the writing if I spelled correctly and olebaum may be oledaum. If I ever find out I will correct the recipe and update this page.

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