Monday, September 28, 2009

Whew! Dick had his blood tested by Deb at the anticoagulation clinic and the test came out virtually PERFECT. His count was 2.6. Perfect is 2.5 so we can relax now. He is now back on medication and we will go back to get it checked next Monday.

It was a busy day. Bible study was at 9:30AM in Sheboygan Falls. There were 7 on us today, a bit small but a nice discussion group. It was the end of Mark chapter 3. Jesus's mother and brothers came and asked to see him and he said that the audience (we) are his brothers and sisters. We marveled at that but talked a lot about how it is our responsibility to see everybody we meet as a brother or sister of Christ, even if we find them a bit odd or not quite in our idea of "proper" or "in our class". I remembered how my Dad was so patient with everybody. He was president of the union at Gilson in Plymouth and people would come to him with their complaints and problems. Mother remembers some of these guys as being so stupid. But Dad always listened, never ridiculed, always gave them respect and tried to help. I still occasionally meet people who knew Dad then. They always say. "Hutz Deeley!!! He was my best friend."

I hope when I get to heaven Jesus says. "Mary, She is my best friend."

I got a good nap in this afternoon. Roxie joined me and seemed relieved that I have come to my senses again. There were not naps for several days and she does look forward to them.

It was windy and cold today. I don't think the temperatures topped 56 and with the wind gusts it felt much colder. I was glad that the only time I had to go anywhere was to the Clinic. The wind was so strong that I had trouble opening my car door after I got Dick loaded in. We were sure glad to get home and be able to stay here.
I believe that Fall is finally coming to Wisconsin.

Take care and have a great Tuesday.



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