Wednesday, June 24, 2009

An early morning. We went on our walk after my shower and taking care of the cats at about 7AM. It was already getting warm. 76 degrees at 7AM. It got up to about 94 before the day was over and it is muggy.

Chelsea is always so alert and full of life in the early morning hours. The rest of the day her tail is drooping. We noticed when we first got her that her tail was most always flared up over her back like a fine wagging bustle. When she got very tired, her little tail would drag behind her as she tried to find a quiet place. Now, more and more, her little tail is dragging even when she is just observing things.

I went to Walmart early and got Dick an exercise ball that has been recommended by his therapist. Then I went grocery shopping. I got home at about 9:30AM. I put the groceries away and blew up the exercise ball. It came with a pump. Now the next chore is to get Dick to use it. The exercises are to improve the abdominal muscle strength so he walks more upright and does not lean so on his walker.

Bobbie came over in time for lunch. We had mainly leftovers, venison, bratwurst and carrots, with beans and salad. Then we went down to the wine room and Bobbie mixed up a batch of strawberry wine. She now has five batches going - all to onst.

She mentioned that she was going to have to start writing down when she has to do something on each or she will lose track. So I gave her one of my extra calendars to write everything on.

Two O'clock was the Amputee Support Group meeting. We had a nice turnout and played bingo. Everybody brought 5 white elephant gifts. It was a lot of fun and then we ended by just having a jam session sharing the things we have in common. I came home with a box of keeenix, a bag of hot chocolate mix and a puzzle book. Everybody all wish Dick would come. I certainly do. The wife of one of our amputees was a cookie lady at Plymouth Care and said that I must tell him that she is very disappointed that he has not come.

Bobbie was still here when I got home. She had to wait some time because the must had too cool before she could add the yeast. She will be back in a week now and I will stir the strawberry once a day until then.

Now it is getting on towards bedtime. The temperature has dropped but only to 85 degrees. Heat amd thunderstorms are predicted for the next couple of days though they say this is the hottest day. I hope we do get a bit of that predicted rain. I watered the plants that really need it but rain is so much better for the plants.

I also dried some lemon balm. I now have two jars of that for the year. More than enough as I can use fresh for most of the summer. My other herbs are doing OK but I wish the purple basil would be growing faster. My tomato plants look wonderful.

Tomorrow, I have no scheduled errands so except for cleaning it will be a quiet day. I intend to do some reading and some writing.

Have a nice quiet Thursday yourself.



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