Tuesday, April 07, 2009

A rather eventful day. It took me until almost 9AM to finish just getting everybody fed and walked. (Chelsea was really the only one that was walked. Everybody else got fed though.)

Finally at about 10:30 I headed out into the wide world. I went first to City Hall to vote. We felt bad because we had forgotten to get an absentee ballot for Dick in time for it to count, so I had to vote for both of us. I hope he agreed with me but
he only got 1/2 a vote anyway.

Then I went to Walgreens to pick up prescriptions, a few supplies and Easter things.

Easter is almost here and I am ready. Of course, since Jim and Michelle are fixing dinner, I don't have a whole lot to do.

This afternoon we had therapy at 1PM. Tim brought the shoe back and it seems to be just right now. Dick stood and took a few steps to be sure that here is no rubbing. We brought it home with us so he can wear it more. I called and we have an appointment for Dr. Moreno to see him on Thursday - with the shoe - to check out the pressure points. It did Dick and me both good to see his feet with the same kind of shoe on them.

So far so good.

I think I have mentioned how deep Chelsea is sleeping these days. Tonight, Roxie and Oscar were really begging for their dinner so I fixed their bowls and also Chelsea's. Chelsea, however, was sleeping so I covered her bowl and waited until she woke up. When she did, I gave her pills to her and then set her bowl down in HER spot. The next thing I saw was that greedy Oscar nosing Chelsea aside and chowing down on her food. Poor Chelsea is so polite and so confused that she just stood there and didn't object at all. I had to chase that greedy cat away and KEEP chasing him away so Chelsea could eat. Dick remembered that we trained Chelsea to leave Waylon and his food alone and she probably thinks that hey have first dibs. I think that they know that she is old and they can have their way with her. Poor Baby. I will have to be sure to feed them all at the same time AND be sure Chelsea can finish.



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