Thursday, April 09, 2009

Another two appointment day.

Chelsea woke me out of a sound sleep at 4AM this morning. I was really sound asleep too. But I was able to get back to sleep again and got up shortly after 6AM. After feeding critters, cleaning the catbox, showering and walking Chelsea, I got Dick up and we got him washed up and ate our breakfast before heading out to Sheboygan to see Dr. Moreno.

It is a red letter day. Dr. Moreno was very pleased with the shoe and with the condition of Dick's foot. It was as described and is doing what he wants it to do. Dick stood up for him so he could see how the two worked together. Dr. Moreno commented that he had not been aware how tall Dick is. So. All three of us, the doctor, Dick and me were very happy. Dr. Moreno told Dick to "Go forth and walk."

On the way home, I stopped at the Research Center to take some labels from Fr. Mike to Beth Dippel to merge with her labels for the Reunion of the Clans in August. She was coming in just as I started into the building so it worked out very well.

We also stopped and gave Mother her vitamins and last prescription for this month. So my errands got done.

We had lasagna and more of the great cole slaw that I made for lunch. I bought cole slaw dressing from the St. John's fish fry people. That is the best cole slaw dressing that I have ever had.

Dick had therapy at 1:00. Bobbie came and helped us get him to the second appointment. That is always such a help. By then I am tired. I showed her the way I have figured out to get the chair in the back without wrecking my back and that old injury in my rib cage. It worked for her too. We decided that they really should provide lessons for loading wheelchairs into cars along with the delivery of the chair. It took me weeks to figure it out.

Lori was also just delighted with Dr. Moreno' proclamation of success of the shoes. So Dick Walked. And Walked and Walked. He is to wear the shoe for 1 1/2 hours three times a day for a week and then 2 hours a day three times a day for a week. Then we will see him again.

In the meantime, Lori only wants him walking supervised with her. He will gradually move from the parallel bars to the walker. Wow. Is it good to see him walking.

Tonight I went to the Holy Thursday service at St. John's. It was a nice service. The adult choir sang, beautifully. They were full choir and have lots of people if everybody comes and lots of guys. I love the guys voices. I missed the washing of the feet though. It seems to me that Fr. John did not do that last year either. I don't really know why. Dick says maybe I should let the Pope know.

Tomorrow all I HAVE to do is go to the Good Friday Service at 12:30 and go shooting at 5PM. I will finish all the cleaning but the kitchen too.

Leslie sent a picture of the kids with Bill Schroeder at a fundraiser that St. Mary School had years ago. It is really a nice picture and I had forgotten it. The girls look so cute. We had fund that night. That was when Sara was a real died in the wool Packer Fan. I wonder if she still is after all of these years. Some day, I have a package of stuff from the last year that the Packers won the Super Bowl. That was quite a year. A year to hold in the memory until it passes our way again. I still remember the team coming home in that awful cold and watching as crowds waited for ages along the streets to get a glimpse of their heroes. And those valiant players exposed themselves to the cold too, giving their loyal fans a chance to see them. There are no fans like Packer Fans.

I will be going to a wedding reception on May 23 at the Legends Club at Lambeau Field for John Bowser, my Uncle Pat's son. The wedding is at 1PM and the reception starts at 5PM. This is really too long a time for Mother, so I told her that perhaps Dick and I could take her just to the reception. She looked pleased with that idea so I will do that. I know that Pat, Mom's youngest brother, and his wife Joan would be so pleased if she could be there.

So this day is over. All the critters are sacked out and Dick and I are going to follow suite very soon.

Be good and have a Good Friday. (Wasn't that clever?"



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