Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Would you believe that it was 1 degree when Chelsea MADE me take her out just before 4AM this morning? Well, it was. And it was no better when I got up at 6.

Dick was very sleepy today. He slept most of the morning. We did get him washed up before dinner. I fixed pork chops and stuffing for that meal. I spent the morning sorting the CWI stuff that I got from Mary. Now I know what is here on THAT end anyway. Next step will be the genealogy stuff.

I set the old information on the Celtic Mass aside also. I think I would like to be planning Fr. Mike's mass at St. Michaels so there are no surprises at the end. Did I tell you that he is celebrating his 50th year of profession this year and is doing it at St. Michaels in conjunction with the Reunion of the Clans that Beth Dippel started several years ago. St. Michael's, Cascade and Armstrong have many ties and this will make the reunion this year VERY special.

Therapy went well today. Dick stood a lot. The only problem is that his right foot is slanting. That is probably not the right word. We are hoping and "know" that the shoe, with its brace will straighten the foot out and make his walk for steady. It will also prevent pressure spots which should keep wounds from reoccuring. That is our prayer.

We were talking about babies at therapy today. I remembered and recounted when Bret was born. He was delivered at Santa Ana Community Hospital. At that time, Santa Ana Community served a largely Hispanic community. After he was delivered, I went with my ex husband to see him in the nursery. There was my little 7 lb 2 oz boy. He was pink with a fuzz of hair on his little (almost bald) head. Actually to see his hair you had to have him in the right light and then you saw the fuzz. He had two cowlicks in the back and three swirles in the front. His Grandpa Deeley's curly hair. As his Grandpa Deeley, who had 9 bald children said, " They are bald because the brains have been developing."

Anyway the other babies in the nursery all had to have weighed at least 9 pounds and had shocks of long black hair. My baby looked like a little peanut.

I just remembered also that the gal in the room with me (wards were common in those days) gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She was an unmarried little lady and was so disappointed because she had figured if she had a boy her boyfriend would marry her. Perhaps if he saw the little girl, she turned his heart and he loved her and her Mom too. I never knew.

Be save and enjoy the rest of the week.


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