Saturday, March 21, 2009

Today was not QUITE as quiet as I wanted it to be.

I got up at 6AM. Did all the usual morning stuff. We had breakfast and then Dick went down for a nap. He took Chelsea in the bedroom with him. We remembered that he used to do that all the time. It had actually gotten to a point where she would start begging him to go into the bedroom at certain times.

So, while they were sleeping, I cleaned the kitchen and then went out to do a couple of errands. First I went to KMart to find some thinner cotton sox for Dick and I also picked up a couple of shirts that were on sale. They are too big but will be comfortable for around the house. I then went to Walgreens for Dick's prescriptions. To my dismay, only two of them were ready. Unfortunately, the one missing was the painkiller. He takes two of them to ease his back pain when trying to get to sleep and was out. SO I drove over to the Clinic to the Urgent Care Unit which was open today. They checked the records and then got on the phone with a nurse. Here is when I really lucked out. The lady next in line to be checked in to Urgent Care works at the Clinic. She got on with the nurse and asked her to click on the Hydrocodone on Dick's chart. It showed that an order had been faxed. Apparently the FAX prescriptions fail often enough that she knew about it. She told the nurse to refax it. It worked. In the few minutes it took me to drive back to Walgreens, the prescription was ready. Somebody was watching out for me.

After lunch, I tried to nap but did not succeed. So we got Dick's bath out of the way before I headed over to Mass. A nice Mass. The adult choir sang and they are very good. We are in the forth week of Lent already. Fr. Van Beeck always says a nice sermon and I was privileged to be a Minister of the Eucharist. That is always a joy.

When I was at KMart I got to pet two greyhounds. They are part of a program to find retired racing greyhounds homes. Nice doggies. The one I petted most is all housebroken and is a nicely socialized dog. He was very friendly and amienable. If you want a dog I would recommend him.

A Margery Facklam said "We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare, and love we can spare. In return dogs give us their all. It is the best deal man has ever made."

Tomorrow will be my day. The only things I plan on doing are baking scones and washing the dog. I figure that Chelsea needs a bath before next weekend when all of the kids will be here at some time or another.

I am hoping to have them all for a meal - together. Of course, anybody can come and grab something or join us. But Dick would really like everybody together at least once. It is seeming that Sunday morning will probably be the best as the prayer service for Barbara is on Saturday afternoon and Dick and Brenda won't be coming until sometime on Saturday. Saturday night will probably be committed to something and Leslie and Bill will be leaving sometime Sunday. So it seems that a nice Sunday brunch or breakfast would work.

But to get back to tomorrow. I want to do some sewing, some writing and prepare an email for CWI.

Be happy and be safe. Spring is coming on fast.


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