Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A few more steps closer to the Homecoming.

I slept so well last night. Chelsea did not wake me up until 3:30Am and I did get right back to sleep until 6AM.

I went grocery shopping fairly early then arrived at the Care Center at 10AM. I was in time to watch Dick do most of his morning therapy. We got back to his room just about the time Jeff came to help me bring our green recliner home. It is not heavy but is bulky and Jeff was kind enough to bring his truck today. While we were at the center we stopped to see an old friend of Mother's who is a resident there. Jeff was in school with his son. That was fun.

Jeff was heading for Sheboygan Falls and lunch with Mother. It is her birthday today. She is 93. Jeff did a bunch of chores for her while he was there too. Then Eileen and Fred were bringing her supper. So she had a home birthday with lots of attention.

I took dinner/lunch over and had that meal with Dick, then came home and stayed. I napped for an hour or more, then vacuumed the old office and positioned the green chair in there.

Since then, I have been trying to just take it easy. I did a few computer things but have tried to stay very quiet. Rest is the order of the day.

So that was the day. Tomorrow, the nurses will go over Dick's meds with us and we will be sure we are all on the same page.

Hope you have a gently sleep and a good day tomorrow. We must enjoy this "heat wave" as I understand that another arctic front is heading our way.


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