Friday, December 12, 2008

This has been a VERY cold day. When Chelsea woke me up at 4:30AM it was 4 degrees and never got over 9 that I was aware of. It will warm up over the weekend and even rain. I am not sure that is a good thing either but it will bring down the snow banks.

Dick had his appointment with Dr. Moreno this morning and for a change we have good news. The wounds are healing, albeit slowly. He is pleased with the way they look and feels that this is the opportune window to try a skin graft on the deeper of the two. SO - we have scheduled that procedure for next Thursday. Another day for everybody to be praying like crazy. This will mean a delay in the second fitting of the prosthesis as he will have to be non weight bearing on that right foot for two weeks but if the foot is healed, that is a small price to pay. So next week will be another adventure.

Bobbie and Bill came over at about 1:30PM and we went to the Old World Market at the Osthoff (they used to call it Kristkindlemart.) It was very pleasant. We walked around to all the booths, sampled the cheeses and wines and candies, bought a few things and then came back to our house. Bill started the changing of the hinges to make the door to the bathroom swing out instead of in. Just another step in making things easy for Dick when he comes home.

I went back to the Center at about 5 with some of my chicken soup to have supper with Dick. I came home at about 7 and am slowly settling down for the night.

Next week was looking rather quiet but now is full of lots of things. Can you believe that the week after next is Christmas ALREADY. I am down to one present. Actually, I thougth I had them all but cannot find a confirmation on one of them. SO I must take care of that tomorrow.

Be safe and happy.



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