Saturday, June 28, 2008

Today was supposed to be hot and humid. It was rather warm when Chelsea and I took our walk this morning. (She came to get me at about 5AM but I gave her some lettuce and shut the door and then I did not hear from her until Dick woke me up a bit after 6:30AM.) So we got a late start. Not a bad deal when we did not have any appointments today.

I did have to be at the Plymouth Armory to pick up my Share Delivery. We started taking Share last month. It is such an easy way to save on groceries. One gets at least $40 worth of groceries for $18 plus a small delivery fee. This month we got Chicken drumsticks, Pork tenderloin, Meatballs, fresh veggies and fruits and other stuff that I just can't remember. We used to do this several years ago when my friend Jim Fleming had a Share distribution site established in Sheboygan Falls. I can't really remember why we stopped. But with the price of groceries AND gas going up steadily, I think we need to conserve where we can.

While I was out, I picked up some cards for Mother, some wood screws that SHOULD fix the door downstairs AND went to the bank.

The rest of the day was rather quiet until 3:30 when I got ready for church at 4:00. It started to POUR just before I left, but the dear Lord eased up on the torrent while I was making my way from my car to the church. Then we could hear more thunder and lightening and more torrents of rain while the service was going on. But it had passed over before we left church so the Lord was looking out for us. This week we got a sermon. I am not sure exactly what happened, but the lector did not read the first and second readings that were scheduled for today. It was very confusing. Fr. Van Beeck did not refer to the readings in his sermon but chose to speak about the role of Peter and Paul as unlikely people to have managed to get the Church strongly based enough to still be here after 2000 year. He mentioned that perhaps we are unlikely people to be ensuring that it continue for the next 2000 years.

I fixed two potato salads today. The Kunert potato salad and My potato salad. I am sending the recipes in to the Emeril Potato Salad contest on GMA. I made them and then took a picture but now I find I don't know how to get the picture moved from Picasa to the entry form. Isn't that a dilemma?

We had chicken, potato salad and broccoli for dinner with strawberry shortcake for dessert.

Do Kings eat better? I think not.



1 comment:

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