Friday, June 27, 2008

Another eventful day. I got up rather early. Don't know why except that my arm hurt and it seemed silly to stay in bed when Chelsea came and hinted that she was ready to go outside. Sometimes I just give her some lettuce and shut her out of the bedroom.

We had a nice walk until we got too close to the trees. The mosquitoes were like the legendary herds of buffalo that used to blanket the prairies. It is impossible to stay away from them. So I made her hurry through the woods and we ran into the house.

I went over to feed Boots after I fed Chelsea. He is really easy to take care of in the morning because Jim and Michelle don't spend much time with him in the morning anyway.

We had to be at the Sheboygan Clinic at 11:00 to have Dick's blood tested at the anti coagulation clinic. His blood count is now 2. This is perfect. But guess what. Before we left we received a call from Dr. Moreno's nurse. The blood test showed that he has a slight infection so he is now back on antibiotics and this might throw the count off again. After we left the Clinic we went to the hospital but Dr. Siddiquie put off his procedure for three weeks so that we can get the infection under control.

It was good to get home early. We did the second sequential compression treatment and took naps. Then I spent a lot of time while Dick slept getting information on cushions for the wheelchair, ramps and confirming appointments for next week.

We had ordered desk lamps and they were on the porch like a magic gift. I put them together and on the desks as a surprise for Dick while he was sleeping. They are really nice. Much better than the floor lamp and ceiling lights.

At 5PM Jim and Michelle arrived and I went over to the Herman's. Kate and I drove over to the Depot and picked up a fish dinner for Dick and delivered it. Kate and Jim and Michelle got to meet each other. Dick was delighted with the fish dinner. The Depot does a great job.

After the delivery, Kate and I went back to her place where her son Ron Jr. and his wife and two boys had arrived. They are fun. The boys are handsome and witty. We all walked back to the Depot for a wonderful meal. The mosquitoes were just as thick on Collins Street as they were in Lion's park. I ran into Dennis and Dianne Gatzke dining with Jim and Gail Kapellan. Hadn't seen Dianne in SUCH a long time. We worked together at United Savings and Loan 24 years ago. A great couple.

After dinner, everybody had some form of fish, except for little Riley who had corn dogs, we walked back up the street to the Herman's. We visited for a while and then I went home. They showered me with fresh strawberries and jars of canned pears, tomatoes and pickles.

It was an altogether delightful evening. Kate and Ron are good to me and I love their family. It is such a pleasure to come home after a break to a sparkling home too. Jim and Michelle work very hard and really polish things up for us.

I talked to my brother George today. He is at Mom's. He and Betsy are here for her nephew's wedding this weekend. I will be able to spend some time with him on Monday after Bible Study.

Glad the day is winding down. I am tired and ready to sleep.

Take care and have a great weekend.


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