Saturday, April 26, 2008

It was just about as perfect a day as one could imagine.

Chelsea woke me up too early, but I was already having trouble sleeping so it was not too bad a thing. We had a pretty good walk but I got a good idea of how windy it was going to be on our cemetery tour.

We met at St. Patrick's Church in Adell at a little after 10AM. Beth Dippel from the Sheboygan Historical Research Center and Janet Mersberger, who is on the Committee to Save St. Patrick's met us there and gave us a wonderful history of the church. I will put a couple of pictures on tomorrow and the next few days. We then walked around the cemetery. I was to pleased to point out to Anne Mc Caffrey that there was a Mc Caffrey tombstone in the cemetery. She comes from Ireland and could not believe it. I took pictures of the stones and will send them to her.

Then on to the Madison Avenue Inn in Cascade for a marvelous lunch of chicken salad with hot rolls and fruit. Numm Numm. I told Dick we have to go there sometime because I think he would like it. Maybe we will take Mom.

Our next stop was St. Michaels out at Parnell. Beth gave us a lot of history about the church and those that settled the area. We left feeling we knew many of them personally. She is quite talented.

At that point, we came back to Plymouth to have some tea and cakes and my friend Sylvia Bright Green did some psychic readings for some of the gals. I figure I can have Sylvia read me later. She really did not have a good chance to meet Kate and that was something I really wanted. My two psychic friends to meet.

At some point there, I zipped home to change for the evening with Maya Angelou and then met everybody at Dee O Malley's for dinner. The dinner went well and I wish you all could have been there to hear Maya Angelou speak. We found out that she turned 80 on April 4. She is much taller than I expected. She said she is (or was, we all shrink as we get older) 6 feet tall. She told us stories, all intertwined. The message I took away was that we all have our roots. Our roots are those who made us what we are. We should stop and think sometimes - Will these "roots" look at us and be proud or will they say "Is THIS what we lived and breathed for?"

Then back to the hotel. I had a glass of wine and a couple of crackers with cheese then came home to my love. A glass of Baileys and a cup of decaf are capping off the evening.

Chelsea and Dick are both glad to have me home.



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