Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hello - this was an at home day. Except for a hair cut at 2:30 for me. Then I swung by WalMart and picked up a couple of outside stuff that we needed. A new cover for the grill and a rake.

Today I had nowhere to be and could have slept late. Wouldn't you know that this it the morning that my back starts to ache at about 5:30 so I got up at 6 and Chelsea and I went a-walking. We did the WHOLE route that we have kind of mapped out which gets us really loosened up. Chelsea is like a young pup in the morning. She sure sags the rest of the day but I know she loves those walks.

It rained today. Not too hard but off and on for several hours so things did get a good soaking. We did not get the thunder and lightening that was possible. I am a bit sorry that did not happen as lightening will get the trees excited and cause them to burst into green.

I d
id a bunch of vacuuming today. Just have the bedroom and office left. I got behind with my tests and all of Dick's appointments.

If the population of China walked past you, 8 abreast, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.

I have heard this before. It came in an email from a friend today with LOTS of interesting facts. My question is that if this population is walking how are they reproducing?

Have a wonderful Thursday.


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