Monday, April 21, 2008

Another beautiful Day. It started out a bit cloudy and when I got up the temperature was 41 degrees. I have made it a rule that if it is below 45 I put on my winter coat. So. Winter coat it was. Chelsea took a short cut through the west side of the park. Then we continued as we usually do to the east side of the park. There - between the soccer nets were 5 HUGE geese just a grumbling away. I decided that it is after all OUR park so Chelsea and I continued on our usual trek around the edges of the park to the path that leads to the back yard of the condo. Two of the geese were very suspicious and started patrolling and kind of making lots of goose noises under their breath. Chelsea never saw them - never heard them so we made our way around the park without any serious altercation at all. BOY are they BIG!

Bible Study at Blessed Trinity this morning. We had a pretty big group and a lively discussion. We are all impressed with the Pope's visit. It think he did a good PR job and addressed many of the problems faced by the church in America. We had another lively discussion on homosexuality and the church's view on that. I am afraid I do not agree with the church's position.

I think you know that I have an oven downstairs. There is a "summer kitchen" down there for those of you who don't know. It is very handy when I cook meals like Thanksgiving or if I want to bake in the summer. But I found that it bakes HOT. So Bobbie lent me her oven thermometer and I find that it cooks about 52 degrees hot on all settings. I called Magic Chef and found that this model does not have anything to adjust the temperature. She said that the sensor might be at fault but agreed that if it is consistently off 52 degrees, I should just be able to work with that and save the repair fee. So I will.

Writer's Club in Plymouth this afternoon. Everybody but Sue was here. She is still working. We celebrated Kate's, Jena's and Lynn's birthdays with cake and presents. Everybody had something to share. AND we gave new words for a challenge for next month. They are: hyacinth, really green, trellis, fishing season, crocus, morning dove, graduation, springtime. Now we have to make a poem using all or most of these words.

Is it morning dove or mourning dove?



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