Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hello again. It was WARM today. The temperature topped at 77 degrees here in PlymouthWI. BUT it was windy. And I mean Windy. When I took Dick to his physical therapy session, we had trouble opening the doors to the car and had just as much trouble walking to the building and back to the car.

It was much less windy when Chelsea and I took our walk. She is like a young puppy when we walk but pays for it the rest of the day.

Dick and I had breakfast at the Wilderness for the first time since they have started serving breakfast since they reopened. It was good but not great. We will go back again.

Then we dropped off his glasses at Advanced Eye Care to have his lenz replaced. I left them there and we picked them up after his PT. It was kind of funny, I called from the clinic to ask if they were ready and she said, "Well, those glasses were picked up earlier." I laughed and said that I wondered who picked them up. She checked again and also laughed and said that they were indeed ready.

I also took the little recipe booklet that we are preparing for Spring Fling over to the printer and got that done. It was also Market Day.

Whew. Does everything have to happen at once?

Take Care. And all my love. I will send the pictures of my last two quilts.



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