Friday, March 14, 2008

Today was a full day. Chelsea and I had a nice long walk. We even went through a bit of the park but I think we will wait a while before we try that again. That early in the morning it is still cold enough that there are icy patches on the sidewalks around the park. So we need to wait a bit. But she was a happy little girl. I do know that near the end of long walks she is starting to sit down and catch her breath. Poor old girl.

We left for Sheboygan at about 10:30AM so I could go to the Blood Center and give my pint. We got a "skin plug" when they tried in the right arm so they switched to the left. Then because I had what the technician called "twins", I got a prize. I have another Tshirt and it is really cool. It is a 2XL but I am going to try to make it smaller. The technician said that she has done that with Tshirts. Nothing to lose.

Next stop was Sheboygan Memorial where we sent directly to the cafeteria for lunch. They had mac and cheese so we had that. Then we went up to Dr. Siddique and he did two veins in the upper right leg. So far Dick feels OK but the leg is still numb. I hope this does not hurt as badly as the week before last. Well, he has two weeks to heal now before we start again.

We got fish fries from St. John's tonight. They do have great fish. It is rather odd that they serve noodles with it but each to his own and we will have them for dinner or lunch tomorrow. They do heat up nicely.

Dick should be in his glory. I intend to make Macaroni and Cheese this week too. It is the week for the second of the 4 ABC Good Morning America anchor's favorite Mac and Cheeses. I do like to say on schedule, even if I am the one who MADE the schedule.

On the news the other day, it showed that the deserts in southern California were in full bloom. With the extra rain they have had, it is an exceptionally beautiful year for them. When I lived there we would sometimes go out to the Mojave high desert in the spring to experience them. My inlaws had a friend out there. They actually had a celebration of the blooming plants. Did you know that there are desert areas with dry pond areas that have fish that actually only live every so many years when there IS enough water to hatch the eggs and begin the cycle. The desert is really a beautiful place, even when it is not in bloom.



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