Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday all day. It was a busy one. When I woke up it was only 7 degrees. SO Cheslea and I did not go too far. However, as we were coming around the corner of Tallgrass we ran into one of our regular walkers, Tim. We had not seen him since, I'll wager, December. So I greeted him happily and said "It has been a LONG COLD Winter." And he agreed wholeheartedly.

Went to bible study. There were 5 of us there this morning. I will not be there next week because it will be St. Patrick's Day. They said they will stumble along without me. I know they do not need me there but they seem to like it when I am. Ione was such a dear today, she brought me a St. Patrick's Day gift. Two pair of Irish Sox and a lovely shamrock pin. Isn't that nice. Helen Maurer had been having terrible pain in her hip. We have all been praying for her. She got a cortisone shot just before a family wedding and it worked SO well. Such faith. She says it is the prayers, which we all did for her. She knows it is not permanent but we are opting for a year of no pain.

Stopped at Mother's after Bible Study and brought her some chili. She was all ready to go play cards with Helen Murphy and Carol Dicke. I stayed til they came and helped her get in the car. None of them are in really great shape and any time they don't have to mess with a walker is a bonus.

It was such a nice day that I decided to to the Sheboygan for the Sheboygan Writers Club as I had not been since the Christmas party. We had a big group. The only thing I see as a problem is when we get off of the writing and on to the issues. The issues are not what we are there to discuss because we are too diverse a group and should be concerned with the quality of writing.

I got home at about 4:00PM. Just in time to clean up a few things, fix dinner and take Chelsea out a few times. She never can do things efficiently. She always has to go out and out and out.

Tomorrow will be busy too and I understand much warmer than today. I only got up to the mid thirties today. It did feel warmer because the sun was shining and there was no wind.

I had a dream last night that I actually remember today. I somehow or other ended up with custody of a little boy about 8 or 9 years old. He was a sweet little thing full of hope and trust but was thin as a rail and in need of a bath and clean clothes. I wonder what in heck that means.


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