Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Another full day and THE SUN SHONE. It got up to the mid 40s for most of the afternoon. What a joy as it was rather damp and chilly in the morning.

We went grocery shopping after lunch at Mc Donalds and a stop at the bank. Then at 11:15AM Dick had the ultrasound he has to have right after each of his procedures. Everything was just fine again. Thank God. Now we have almost two weeks before he needs to have any other tests or doctor appointments. Yipee!!!

Then, after lunch (Irish Bacon, Tomato and Lettuce Sandwiches, aren't you just jealous?) I went downstairs to finish the tree snuggler quilt. I got half way around the second last tree and ran out of gray thread ------So I had to go out again. While I was out I dropped some Celtic Women stuff off to my friend Mary Kay at Sun Graphics, got the thread, stopped at the Art Center and filled up the gas tank in the Explorer.

When I got home I DID finish the tree quilt. Not I have to take pictures of THAT and share them with you. I like it. It a really colorful happy quilt.

Dick and I had "Dump Soup" for supper and then I left for the Caim program at Mead Public Library. It was really lovely. Two women Jacynth Hamill and Heather Innes sang in perfect harmony traditional songs a capella. Some songs were familiar and some were brand new to me. I picked up Kate Herman and Nancy Roehre on the way. They had as much fun as I did. Bobbie was there too. I was so glad that she could meet my friends. People there said Bobbie and I look either like mother and daughter or sisters. We get that a lot and it does not displease either of us. On the way home Kate, Nancy and I stopped at the coffee shop that USED to be Wonderful World and got a cup and visited. So it was a lovely evening til the very end.

Today, I saw a little boy at the clinic. He was a very unhappy little man and a gentleman gave him a quarter to help cheer him up as the gentleman was leaving the building.

For some reason it reminded me of Bart when he was little. From the time he was about 18 months to maybe 3 years old, he would carry pennies around in his grubby little hand. They were some kind of a security thing. I know, I know. Little people sometimes swallow coins, but that was not an issue in this case. He just held them and they made him happy. (Along with his bunny of course. He was a double security baby.)

One Saturday, I was in the kitchen and heard an awful rattling clanging crashing noise. It sounded like maybe 10 trashcans were being rolled down the driveway or the street. I looked out and could only figure out that it was coming from next door. The house next door was vacant and had just been sold. The garage had one of those corregated metal doors. As I walked around the corner I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

(I need to set this up JUST a bit more. My ex husband had our jeep set up so that if it was in any gear it would start with a slight turn of the key so that if it stopped at an odd angle out in the wilds you did not have to shift into neutral to restart it. He had parked the jeep in front of the neighbor's garage, knowing that noone was there, intending to move it to the back garage later.)

There was our jeep, still running, up against the back wall of the neighbor's garage with the metal garage door covering the cage roll bar and my son, all 2 years old of him, sitting in the driver's seat, his eyes as big as saucers screaming. "I want my money. I want my money.

You have never filed an insurance claim until you go to the company with one like this. One of the first questions is "Age of the Driver."

Thank God for the cage roll bar or that boy might have really been hurt.



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