Friday, January 25, 2008

Last night I was so tired by 8PM that I could not stay awake any longer. I went to bed and did not even REALIZE that I had not blogged until this morning. I really can't tell you why I was so tired. I stayed home the whole day and guess I just kept busy with cleaning and sewing and all the other things that have to be done. Maybe I am better off to leave at least once a day.

It is now after 11PM and I JUST got home from working at Rhine. We are in the middle of winter league. Last week was SO cold that very few teams showed up to shoot so this week was busy. We shot 20 scorecards and only three of them did not shoot both sets. Then trap two started breaking birds and we could not use it for about a hour and a half. The last team finished at 10:10 or so. We fudged a bit as we are supposed to be done by 10. I had the gun room and had to field the unhappy guys when they had to wait what must have seemed forever for their turns. I was able to keep them pretty calm. Poor Tom Lawaan and Peter Hatas spent the whole night scoring in that snow and cold. We took in enough money. I drove home VERY carefully. I did not exceed 40 MPH. One could not see the white line and I could tell it was slippery. I did not test the traction control OR the 4WD. I just drove slowly and steadily home.

The early part of the day consisted of cleaning the kitchen, baking a cake and going to lunch with my friends. On the way home from lunch, I got the car washed and then went to the Plymouth Inn and made arrangements to block off several rooms for the Celtic Women's Spring Fling in April.

Tomorrow we get to stay home the whole day again. I invited Bobbie over for a liver and onions dinner. (Bill and Dick will have oven farmer ribs.) They will grumble as we enjoy our dinner. We will both have enough for sandwiches during the coming week too. Num Num.

Ellen Burstyn said "Most of my life, if a man did something totally other than the way I thought it should be done, I would try to correct him. Now I say, "Oh, isn't that interesting."

Sounds like a good philosophy (mostly.)


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