Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It was 39 degrees when I took Chelsea out for her walk this morning. The promised cold front waited until just a bit ago to come in. Now it is blowing, snowing and Cold.

I made salmon croquettes for supper tonight and took Chelsea for what was intended to be a LONG walk before the cold set in. We got to the corner of Tall Grass and Highland and started to head around the park. A lady and her black lab were also walking. Chelsea apparently got way to excited and had a seizure on a snowbank. She just flopped down on her belly in the snow and trembled. I held her and her little heart was like a sledgehammer. So. I carried her back towards home until I could tell she was OK. Then she walked the rest of the way. This is the first seizure she has had in at least a month. I am quite distressed.

At noon, I met Kate and Toni at Antoinettes to do some planning for the Spring Fling. We have good solid ideas for gift bags and name tags. I think the board will like the ideas. We had the best turkey spinach wraps I have ever had for lunch.

I got my hair cut at 2:30PM. That was fun. There was a gal in there tuning to a blond as I watched. She has dark dark hair naturally and is really trying something new. What a blast.

I told them about the time I lightened my hair to blond - about 50 years ago. I told them that I used Light and Bright. These young chicks laughed and admitted that they had never heard of such a product. When I did that it seemed like such a good idea. After all, I was blond when I was a little girl. However, before long the roots started showing. Do you know that you have to keep taking care of the roots? I am much to lazy for that and because of that have never even thought of dying or bleaching my hair again. My friend Rita Petrie Ertl still doesn't believe that I don't touch up my hair. I am actually pretty lucky. There is some gray but not much.

Tomorrow is a quiet day. Dick and I will go grocery shopping unless the roads are too bad. We don't have far to go.

The salmon croquettes were great. We had mashed potatoes and creamed peas to go with them.



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